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Robert Rope

Hypertension Clinical Trial Cheat Sheet

Nephrologists treat hypertension! And not just in our advanced CKD/ESRD patients. For folks (including fellows in training) who are perhaps more interested in hypertension than the average nephrologist, certification from the American Society of Hypertension (ASH) can offer…

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Obesity and CKD: How big is this?

How important is obesity to the field of nephrology? Perhaps obesity is the single strongest risk factor for CKD in the US and most of the developed world. While genetics are certainly important, obesity drives the diabetes epidemic…

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Targeting Uric Acid in CKD

In our search for therapies to reduce CKD progression, hyperuricemia has historically not been a major target despite being a potential risk factor for progression. Two recent studies however, raise the possibility that treating hyperuricemia could slow progression….

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