National Course for Renal Fellows; Origins of Renal Physiology

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Listen to a podcast from Dr. Mark Zeidel about the Origins of Renal Physiology course at Mount Desert Island held every September in Maine. This course is a great opportunity to learn about renal physiology “hand’s on” with world renowned researchers and an even greater opportunity to get to know other fellows from around the country and world. I attended this week long course two years ago with Nate. Many of the attendee’s still communicate regularly. The course directors did a great job teaching and keeping the material interesting. Each fellow will get experience in three separate modules focusing on a different segment of the nephron. After a day of experiments and data analysis, the next morning is spent giving presentations about the results obtained. The rest of the day is free to explore the Island. Overall, I thought the course is a unique experience and shouldn’t be missed. The course fee continues to drop each year (currently $900- which including food and lodging) and hopefully, as Dr. Zeidel explains in the podcast, the fee might be reduced to free in years to come.

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