Fellow Travel Award Opportunity to the Annual Dialysis Conference 2018, Orlando Fl

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The Annual Dialysis Conference 2018 that will be held in Orlando, FL March 3-6, 2018.

This conference has an excellent opportunity for fellows to present cases, both posters and oral presentation.

Fellows can apply for a grant for registration and travel. 

Case Summary Grants

Fellows are invited to submit a 1-page case summary of a challenging or unusual dialysis experience. A $1000 grant will be awarded to the best 20 cases submitted. In addition, the authors of the top 6-8 cases will be selected to present their cases in the Fellows Forum Session of the main conference. Case summaries should be organized like abstracts and be written in a manner to entice audience interaction.

Requirements for Grant Consideration

  • Must be a nephrology fellow in an ACGME approved nephrology training program.
  • A letter must be submitted indicating your desire to apply for the case summary grant. The letter needs to be signed by your nephrology fellowship program director and verify that you are a second year fellow. 
  • A conflict of interest form needs to be submitted. You may download a COI form here.
  • A 1-page case summary.
  • All documents need to be submitted by the submission deadline to Claire Oser via email (oserc@health.missouri.edu) or fax (573-884-4820). 

The case summary submission deadline is November 30, 2017. 

Kunal Malhotra MD FNKF

Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine (Nephrology)

Director, Chronic Dialysis Unit

University of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics

Columbia, MO 65212.

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