5 Reasons (Including Prizes) Why You Should Fill Out The ASN 2019 Fellows’ Survey

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Dear Nephrology Fellows,

The ASN’s annual nephrology fellows’ survey is open! Didn’t receive the survey email? Send an e-mail to Kurtis Pivert.

Nephrology fellows receive multiple surveys a month – but why you should take 5-10 minutes to fill out THIS survey?

1. Survey participants will be eligible to win:

Free registration for the ASN Board Review Course Update (2 prizes, $1395 value)
Free ASN registration for 1-year after fellowship (10 prizes, $395 value)

2.Demographic Data & Leading Job Market Indicators: This survey is the primary source for demographic data on nephrologists entering the workforce. Assessments of the job search and availability provide indicators on nephrologist demand and remuneration, stratified by location and practice setting.

3. Calibrating Training: Results from previous surveys have been used to inform changes to fellows’ educational experiences

4. Research: Researchers use the survey to address important issues for nephrology fellows, including burnout and emotional well-being.

5. A Platform to Share Your Opinion: What do you like about nephrology? What don’t you like? How can training be improved? What can ASN do to support you?

This survey will serve us and our future colleagues, and it is our responsibility as nephrology fellows to fill it out!

Here’s a short video if you’re still not convinced.

Questions or concerns? Reach out to ASN Data Science Officer Kurtis Pivert.

Posted by:
Sayna Norouzi, MD
Nephrology Fellow, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

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