ASN Collaboration with the Home Dialysis University

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ASN announced a collaboration with the Home Dialysis University (HDU). ASN will provide 30 scholarships to attend an HDU fellows training course followed by an exciting new 12-month virtual series. ASN strongly recommends applying as soon as possible and by June 1, 2023 to be considered with the early applications. If there are remaining spots after the early June review, applications submitted after June 1st will be considered.

Course Description

Home Dialysis University (HDU) endorsed by ISPD and in partnership with ASN, is an in-person, immersive course on home dialysis therapies. The course is designed to provide in-depth training on home dialysis therapies, including topics on peritoneal dialysis (PD) physiology, PD and home hemodialysis (HHD) prescription writing, troubleshooting, problem-solving, long-term care, prevention, evaluation and management of home dialysis-associated infections, and building the infrastructure for a successful home dialysis unit. Participants experience didactic and small hands-on group workshops that facilitate interaction with peers and faculty to work through case-based approaches for common clinical scenarios likely to be encountered in the management of individuals receiving home dialysis.

As part of its newly formed collaboration with HDU, the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) is pleased and excited to provide complimentary registration and travel support of up to $1,500 for a select number of nephrology fellows to both attend an in-person HDU course that will take place in either August or September 2023 and participate in a 12-month longitudinal virtual educational program. In the longitudinal component, fellows will meet monthly via video conference with select HDU faculty who will facilitate interactive case-based discussions with home dialysis leaders and other nephrology fellows.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be a 2nd or 3rd-year nephrology fellow in an ACGME-accredited training program when attending the in-person course.
  2. Must have never attended HDU before.
  3. Must have support from training program director to attend the course and participate in the 12-month (one hour per month) longitudinal education program.
  4. Can have variable prior home dialysis experience, from very limited experience to extensive exposure.

Prerequisite – Training Program Director (TPD) Approval

In order to ensure support from your institution, you must receive approval from your training program director (TPD) to participate in the HDU course and the 12-month longitudinal education program.

Dates and Location

Scholarship recipients can choose to attend one of two HDU in partnership with ASN courses in the Fall of 2023. Recipients can select between the following in-person course dates.

August 27-29, 2023 or September 10-12, 2023

Locations for the in-person sessions are to be determined.

The longitudinal education program time commitment entails monthly one-hour video conferences from September 2023 to August 2024.

To apply click here!

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