Browsing tag

acute rejection

The use of IVIg in Kidney Disease

It’s time for a quick nephro-centric summary of immune globulin use. Immune globulin, usually administered intravenously (IVIg), is made from pooled human plasma and used for a wide variety of human disease. It contains mostly IgG with various…

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Vascular rejection – Reassessing its etiology

Vascular rejection has been traditionally considered a severe form of acute rejection characterized by infiltration of mononuclear cells beneath the endothelium or by the presence of arteritis. Though initially reported as an aggressive form of T-cell mediated rejection…

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Preventing Chronic Rejection: Can it B?

For the past 5 years, alloantibody measurement has become a standard of practice in recipients of kidney transplants experiencing worsening allograft function. This week, I admitted a patient who had a rising creatinine and on biopsy mild-moderate interstitial…

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