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ANCA-associated disease

Sweet’s syndrome and the Kidney

This is an interesting case which I have been managing over the last six months. A 50-year-old male, with no previous medical illnesses, presented with fatigue, weight loss and arthralgia for several weeks. Clinical examination was unremarkable. Investigations…

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The use of Rituximab in Kidney Disease

Rituximab, the monoclonal chimeric anti-CD20 antibody, is an effective B-Cell depleting agent and continues to gather data for its use in a wide range of conditions relevant for the Nephrologist. It was also a pre-season favourite in the…

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Choose your poison

The way drug discoveries happen is always fascinating. Today, I heard Dr Nadler describe how he discovered Rituximab. He was a young oncology fellow at Dana-Farber back in 1979 when he convinced a colleague dentist to teach him…

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How much Cytoxan is too much?

Cytoxan is a very potent but also potentially toxic medication used for a variety of immune-mediated (and nephrology-relevant) diseases. It is often classified as a “cytotoxic agent”, as it works as an alkylating agent that explains its utility…

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