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end-stage renal disease

AJKD Bundling Editorials

This month’s issue of AJKD includes an enlightening group of 6 editorials, each written from a unique perspective (e.g., the perspective of large dialysis corporations, the perspective of the ESRD Networks, the perspective of non-profit dialysis corporations, etc.),…

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The Business of Dialysis

An interesting figure in this month’s ASN Kidney News details the quarterly earnings for three major dialysis companies in the U.S.: DaVita, Dialysis Corporation of America (DCA), and Fresenius. Also included in the figure (not shown here) is…

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Bone Scan for Diagnosis of Calciphylaxis?

Calciphylaxis (also called calcific uremic arteriolopathy) is a syndrome of vascular calcification, thrombosis, and necrosis, occurring almost exclusively in ESRD patients.  The diagnosis is typically achieved by clinical exam–demonstrating painful, necrotic, and sometimes ulcerating lesions usually on the…

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