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Noninvasive Control of Uremic Bleeding

We frequently receive requests to dialyze patients with moderate renal failure who are bleeding due to the concern that uremia may be contributing to failure to control blood loss. Patients with renal failure do have an increased tendency…

4132 0

Uremic platelets?

Have you ever been consulted to dialyze for a high BUN. Or have you ever been asked to comment on the high BUN’s effects on bleeding and platelet function. Here’s an interesting case report I came across in…

2391 4

Follow the patient, not the number

As a nephrology fellow, I find it somewhat challenging to follow a patient with advanced CKD (eGFR, MDRD 8-10). However, I do find this process rewarding as it truly allows for the establishment of a substantial relationship with…

1550 9

Alimentary Azotemia?

I am currently a clinical fellow, slogging through another consult month. As I am sure many of you have experienced, consult questions often come in batches. At least three times this week we have been called to see…

1632 1

Uremic Pruritis

Recent review in the latest issue of Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology entitled “Skin problems in chronic kidney disease.” They tackle the usual suspects (calciphylaxis, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis) as well as some lesser-known dermatologic conditions which appear with a…

1999 1

Middle Molecules

The term “Middle Molecules” is a little confusing, in part due to its evolving definition.  It was initially used to describe anything not dialyzed off by the older dialyzer membranes of the 1970s, which predominantly filtered out only…

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Uremic Pericarditis

We are all familiar with “uremic pericarditis” as one of the standard indications for initiating dialysis, and the number of physical exams with a negative cardiac rub I have documented this year is truly impressive. Which is why,…

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