ASN launches renal fellow website

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The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) announced the creation of a “fellow’s” website today. You can locate this site by following the link or going to the “training” tab of the main ASN website ( The ASN fellow’s webpage contains many useful resources for Renal fellows with plans to add more in the future. A link is provided with grant opportunities specifically geared to Renal fellows from government, non-profit and private organizations. Different educational opportunities are highlighted as well. From conferences to courses to the Mount Desert Island National Course for Renal Fellows (The Origins of Renal Physiology). A touching tribute to Nathan Hellman is included with a link to Renal Fellow Network. This site is a welcome resource for Renal fellows navigating the busy fellowship program. Much of the information provided on this site used to be passed down from fellow to fellow. Now we have a portal where all types of resources can be immediately accessed. Cheers to the ASN for making this site.


  1. Thanks for the comments. Impressive that Nathan was able to post so frequently. Will send you and email in regards to Kidney News. BTW, great job on the Kidney News publication.

  2. By the way, Kidney News is also looking for fellows to contribute to the magazine. Please contact us at if you are interested in writing regularly or just have an idea for a story!
    This is a great web site, and I am delighted to see it continuing strongly.

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