In a Few Words

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“A doctor, like a writer, must have a voice of his own, something that conveys the timbre, the rhythm, the diction, and the music of his humanity, that compensates us for all the speechless machines.”

-Anatole Broyard
Intoxicated by My Illness

It’s funny how small the world is. In this month’s In a Few Words in AJKD two of my former colleagues have a beautifully written piece on Advance Directives and the challenges they sometimes present.

The piece reminded me that I’ve been meaning to write something for Dena for a while but always seem to fall short. I always enjoy the section and the well done Podcasts that often augment it. I’m hoping that a little crowd sourcing will help rectify my own shortcomings.

If interested in submitting, In a few Words aims to give voice to the personal experiences and stories that define kidney disease. They will accept for review nonfiction, narrative submissions of up to 1,600 words, regarding the personal, ethical, or policy implications of any aspect of kidney disease in adults and children.

Footnotes or references are discouraged. Any submission which refers to real patients must be either unidentifiable or approved by the patient(s) described. Submissions from physicians, allied health professionals, patients, or family members are welcome.

You can submit pieces for consideration via AJKD’s manuscript handling site.


  1. My pleasure.

    I'm sure there are some fantastic stories out there amongst our readers just waiting to be told.

  2. Thanks Graham! I am happy to discuss ideas for submissions. I can be reached at

    – Dena Rifkin

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