The #NephJCKidneys: What’s up with that?

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NephJC is gearing up for Kidney Week in Chicago. NephJC is also sponsoring the inaugural NephJC Kidneys. You thought the Grammys or Emmys were big? Well, wait until you see the Kidneys hosted by none other than Kidney Boy!

This is a a way to say thanks to so many of you who use social media as a means to learn and share information. Renal Fellow Network (RFN) was one of the first blogs to really show the power of social media in educating so many. The founder of RFN was Nate Hellman and as such the Social Media Initiative of the Year Award is named in his honor. What Nate did in founding RFN is quite remarkable. This was before Twitter and right when Facebook was taking off. Nate put down the foundation for what is now a vibrant international community. I know if he were still with us he would be the one running NephJC or NephMadness or who knows what he would have created.

We wanted to reward as many individuals as possible but we know that many others are just as deserving.

Winners will be announced at the annual TweetUp on Friday Night at Benny’s Chophouse.

NephJC Rookie of the year:
J Brian Byrd 
Eoin O. Sullivan 
Silvi Shah 

Engaged Scientist of the Year: 
EXTRiP Workgroup 
Stephane Gaudry 
Ben Humphreys 
Rafael Kramann 
Stuart Goldstein 

Most Valuable Player of the Year: 
Kevin J Fowler 
Rob Peel 
Malvinder Parmar 
Daniel Coyne 
Florian Buchkremer (@swissnephro)

Nathan Hellman Award for Social Media Initiative of the Year:
Timothy Yau for WashU Nephrology Web Episodes
H. Sternlicht for Concepts in Hypertension  e-newsletter
Tejas Desai for NephOnDemand Analytics
Zach Cahill for ASN Communities

Study of the Year:
Proton pump inhibitor use and risk of chronic kidney disease

The first 3 categories are voted on my members of the NephJC work group while the last 2 are public voting. Google login required to prevent multiple votes.

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