Time for #NephMadness 2017

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NephMadness 2017 has 32 nephrology concepts
divided across 8 different topic areas, called regions. Each region has
4 concepts which compete against each other in a single elimination
tournament. We have selected content experts from each topic to help us
determine the best concepts and vet the information we provide to make
sure it is accurate, unbiased, and interesting. The selection committee
  1. Biomedical Research: Benjamin D. Humphreys | @HumphreysLab
  2. Diabetic Nephropathy Region: Anna Burgner | @annaburgner
  3. Dialysis Region: Jonathan Himmelfarb | @xpotasn
  4. Disparities Region: L. Ebony Boulware | @ebonyboulware
  5. Genetics Region: Matthew G. Sampson | @kidneyomicsamps
  6. Glomerulonephritis Region: Richard J. Glassock
  7. History Region: Neil Turner | @neilturn
  8. Nutrition Region: Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh | @kamyarkalantarz 

Click here to fill out your brackets

Prize Categories

  • Top score
  • Top Med Student score
  • Top Resident score
  • Top Fellow score
  • Top Attending score
  • Best Tweeter
  • Best Blogger
Prize Update: In addition to the above categories we will be awarding a Group Prize
to the group that has the most individuals affiliated with it. To be
eligible for this prize, you will be prompted during bracket submission
to indicate your group (for example, your affiliation with a
particular Fellowship Program/Residency Program/Group Practice/Medical
School etc). Please note we will only accept one group affiliation per
entry. We hope to encourage a little friendly competition between rival
programs, so make sure to get as many people from your program to
participate in NephMadness 2017!
Details available here.


  • March 7: Bracket entry opens
  • March 24: Deadline for entering contest
  • March 26: First round results | Saturated 16 named
  • March 29: Saturated 16 results |Effluent 8 named
  • March 31, Friday: Effluent 8 results |Filtered 4 named
  • April 3: Filtered Four results | Finalists named
  • April 5: NephMadness 2017 Champion crowned
Follow the AJKD NephMadness Team (listed below) on Twitter, engage away, and get a head start on claiming the Best Tweeter prize!


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