Training in ABPM, the “Renal Biopsy” of Hypertension

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24 hour Ambulatory
Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is the gold-standard for diagnosing sustained,
white coat, and masked hypertension. It’s a better predictor of cardiovascular
events than office readings and carries a Grade A recommendation by the United
States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF).
The evidence is unequivocal and yet not
all nephrologists perform ABPMs.  Fellows
have even less exposure to implementation, interpretation, and reimbursement.
Last year, Raymond Townsend of U Penn and Daichi Shimbo of Columbia-Presbyterian created a course
to address the above deficiencies. In addition to reviewing the evidence and
billing aspects, the course focuses on practical considerations such as learning
about the software and monitoring protocols, and correctly educating the
patient on the dos/don’ts while wearing the monitor. The hands-on session allows
attendees to familiarize themselves with the various models and wear an ABPM for
the afternoon.
After attending last
year, I not only gained a deeper understanding of ABPM but now have a resource for
future questions. This year’s course (1 day) will be held on Monday, September 11th,
in San Antonio, TX. 
I have no financial or
formal relationship with the organizers.
Hillel Sternlicht, MD

1 comment

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. I thought nephrologists are allowed to order and read ABPM but from your post it seems that there is a required certificate or training to do that. is that what you found out during the workshop? thanks again.

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