Fellow’s perspective: 5 reasons why you should attend NBLU

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What is this? NBLU: Nephrology Business Leadership University
Who should apply: US Nephrology Fellows who will be second year in August of 2018
When: August 6th to August 10, 2018
Where: Plano, Texas.
How much will this cost: It is free

link to register–> here

  1.  Learn about private practice nephrology– This conference happens when many fellows are beginning to think about or are applying to post-fellowship nephrologist positions. It’s great to have an overview of what it’s like in private practice, and many of us learned a lot of “things we didn’t know that we didn’t know”. Panel discussions were great for learning from what experienced nephrologists considered to be their past mistakes in regard to joining the right practice.
  2. Learning what it takes to start a nephrology practice, and how to evaluate a practice when you’re considering joining– Even though most fellows won’t start their own practice, it’s eye-opening to see what the process is like, and can really change the outlook and conversations you have when you are interviewing and considering joining a group. 
  3. Inspiration and tips for making connections and developing as a leader– Prior to attending NBLU, I was weary of my own use of social media. However, as soon as I engaged in the process, I made connections that changed the course of my career. Nephrology Social Media Collective, GlomCon, NephJC, and NephMadness have all made a huge impact on me, and in time I hope to make a meaningful contribution to give back to these excellent communities.
  4. Meeting senior nephrology fellows from all over the country (and realizing we have been through a lot of the same successes and struggles)– Getting to spend a week with nephrology fellows from different parts of the country, different sizes/types of fellowship, and with various future plans was one of my favorite aspects of the entire week. Many of us remain in contact, helped each other through the job hunt, and will continue to re-connect at future conferences. 
  5. It was a fun week!– We had a great time! The location of the hotel is super convenient not only for attending the daytime sessions but also for food, drinks, and shopping in the evenings. Some nights there were happy hours and other nights we were free to explore. One word: karaoke! 

If anyone has questions, you or your program director can reach out to me
Diana Mina (diana.mina@ucsf.edu), any other NBLU alumni, or Cindy Miracle, program director at UCSD (cmiracle@ucsd.edu).

take a look at the other posts on RFN about NBLU

another perspective from NBLU grads Mona Shaban (UNC) and Natasha Dave (Baylor Houston)

program announcement from Cindy Miracle

Diana Mina
Clinical Nephrology Fellow
UC San Francisco

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