Registration is now open for UAB CRRT Academy
When: August 30 and 31, 2018
Location: Doubletree Hotel, 808 20th Street S, Birmingham, AL, 35205
Seating is limited to 80.
In addition to CRRT didactics, the course includes hands-on workshops and interactive cases, as well as a session on CRRT quality metrics and optimization of acute intermittent dialysis in the ICU. A new pre and post-test will be given.
Ten $700 travel grants are available for fellows in training on a first-come first serve basis and requires a letter from the program director. One letter per institution. Download form here.
Instruction Form for travel grant and registration are here. Grants are limited in number. Awards will be paid on the 2nd day of the conference.
I have attached travel grant information, and registration. Some small changes may be made prior to final program. All travel grant recipients must register.
The website for registration is here