A Nephrology Fellow’s Guide to Billing/Coding

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I’m a second year Nephrology fellow and have been very fortunate to receive dedicated education on the business of medicine. During my time at Baylor, I was the inaugural fellow of the business track; a track designed by our program director Dr. Raghavan for fellows interested in learning key concepts of business of nephrology.

A part of the business track curriculum, it requires fellows to attend a national conference on the topic of business. I chose to attend to Nephrology Business Leadership University (NBLU) in August of 2017. This conference is a crash course into understanding key concepts on how to be a successful nephrologist in private practice.

Personally, one of the most interesting courses at NBLU was on Billing/Coding taught by Dr. Parin Makadia and Dr. Irfan Agha. This course was effective and unique as it was taught from coder’s point of view. After returning from my time at NBLU, I was inspired to write a billing/coding guide as my scholarly project for the Baylor Business Track.

Using this link below – you will be able to view each section of a physician note and the necessary documentation needed to bill at an appropriate level.

Click here for the document

I hope this guide help all graduating fellows/residents going into practice, good luck!

Natasha N Dave
Baylor Nephrology Chief Fellow
Houston, TX

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