We are looking for an individual to serve a 2-year term as fellow editor of RFN as well as fellow member of the ASN Media and Communications! This is a call to current nephrology fellows (medicine or pediatrics) internal medicine residents, PhD students, or PhD post docs. Basically anyone who is currently still in training and not activated as a faculty member at the time of start (which is January 1, 2019). The position will last 2 years beyond that date and it is ok to be faculty during 2nd year of posting. They will also work with a larger team consisting of 2 faculty leads (Matt Sparks and Gearoid McMahon) and 9 faculty advisors (Samaya Anumudu, Pravir Baxi, Anna Burgner, Natasha Dave, Kelly Hyndman, Jennie Lin, Andrew Malone, Gautam Phadke, and Paul Phelan). These individuals provide review/editing support and mentorship. The selected individual will learn how to use WordPress, social media, and become a member of a larger team. They will also help to recruit contributors and think of new ways to reach trainees. They will also serve on the ASN Media and Communications committee to help direct ASN’s mission to enhance our communication with trainees. The application is short and consists of an essay (250 words) on why they want the position and a CV. It would be beneficial to have some experience using social media and writing however these are not requirements.
Interested? Learn more about the positions and take a look at the application here (deadline November 30th, 2018).