What: This is a forum for trainees, junior faculty to present research, network with colleagues, and gain valuable career development advice.
When: Wednesday Nov 6th 2019
8:30 am- 5 pm
Where: Washington DC, Venue TBD
Cost: Registration is FREE
Travel Awards: $250 award given to the top 20 abstracts scored
What types of abstracts are accepted: Physiology based research involving the kidney in animal models to human research. Includes but not limited to genomics, hypertension, fibrosis, genetic kidney disease, or diabetes.
Can you submit the same abstract submitted to ASN Kidney Week: Yes
Website to register: www.earlycareerkidney.org
Itinerary: We are still working on it. Click here to very last years program.
Mission: Our mission is to foster kidney research and develop the next generation of investigators to ensure future innovative breakthroughs to combat kidney disease. Scientific growth and career development happen when junior investigators have a safe space to present their data, exchange ideas, and expand their scientific networks through interactions with each other and with established investigators. To address this need, we are providing such a forum for trainees and junior faculty.
Who: This pre meeting is an American Physiological Society Program endorsed by ASN. This is NOT an official part of the ASN Kidney Week program.

Organizing Committee:
Matt Sparks- Chair
Aylin Rodan- Co-Chair
Michael Donnan
Michelle Gumz
Kelly Hyndman
Jermaine Johnston
Ronak Lakhia
Jennie Lin
Mykola Mamenko
James McCormick
Jeanie Park
Joshua Rein