19th Annual SSCI Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum

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Where and When

The 19th Annual Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI) Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum will be held in New Orleans, Wednesday, February 12, 2020.

The SSCI Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum will be held as a prologue to the Southern Regional Meetings on February 13-15, 2020.

Travel Grants

Travel awards will allow the trainees to attend this research forum and stay in New Orleans for participation in the Southern Society Clinical Investigation/American Federation for Medical Research Meeting. The grant will cover round trip airfare as well as hotel accommodations and event meals. 

Abstract Submission

The purpose of the Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum is to create a meeting where research trainees in the SSCI/AFMR region can present their original research observations or data in an informal format. An additional goal is that this forum will afford these young investigators an opportunity to meet peers in the renal research arena that hopefully will emphasize the value of research and promote a favorable image for careers in academic Nephrology/Medicine.

Once again, the goal is to have at least one trainee nominated by each training program in the Southeast to attend the Research Forum. Trainees will be defined as MD, PhD or MD/PhD trainees in a fellowship training program in nephrology. Through this mechanism, hopefully, one or two trainees from each of the 18 to 20 training programs in the region will participate. Each nominated trainee will submit an abstract by the October 11th deadline. The abstracts submitted should represent original research performed by the trainee in any area of basic or clinical Nephrology/Medicine. Review material or case reports are not acceptable. Presentations will compete in either Clinical Research or Basic Research categories. Although mentors and/or program directors are welcome, resources are not available for reimbursement for travel or related expenses. 

Each trainee will make a fifteen-minute research presentation. Five minutes will be allowed for questions and discussion following each presentation. The presentations will be judged by the panel of faculty judges to select award winners in each category. An awards dinner will be held following the forum. The winners from this region will be invited to present in a national competition held in conjunction with the National Kidney Foundation’s Clinical Meetings in the spring.

The abstract deadline is Friday, October 11, 2019. It is hoped that trainees will also submit their abstracts for the Southern Regional Meetings, February 13-15, 2020. The abstract deadline for the Southern Regional Meetings is October 11, 2019. Information regarding the abstract submission instructions for the SSCI/AFMR meeting can be found on either www.ssciweb.org or www.afmr.org.

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