Gearoid McMahon
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Gearoid McMahon

Infections and intravenous iron

An interesting study appeared in my email this morning examining the association between the use of iv iron and outcomes in hemodialysis patients with systemic infections. Current guidelines from all of the major societies suggest that if patients…

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Renal Effects of Anti-Cancer Medications

With the proliferation of new therapies for cancer including novel targeted therapies, it is difficult to keep up with the potential renal problems related to these medications. Thankfully, Nature Reviews Nephrology have published a comprehensive review of the…

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EVOLVEing past Cinacalcet

One of the regular criticisms of nephrology is the lack of good quality randomized controlled trials. This is particularly the case in the world of renal bone disease where we target surrogate endpoints without necessarily knowing for certain…

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ASN Fellow’s Survey

The American Society of Nephrology (ASN), in collaboration with a research team from George Washington University (GWU), is conducting its 2nd annual survey of fellows training in nephrology. The goal of this important survey is to better understand…

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Metformin Guidelines

Metformin is one of the most useful drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes and yet its use in patients with CKD is limited by the perceived association with lactic acidosis. These concerns are due to the association…

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There was a fascinating case published a couple of months ago in the American Journal of Medicine. I have a particular interest in this case as it was my clinic mentor, Julian Seifter, who made the diagnosis and…

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