The NKF Spring Clinical Meeting is on in Boston in April. Below is a summary of the events directed at Fellows and Residents this year as provided by the NKF:
NKF will be holding its 2016 Spring Clinical Meetings (SCM16) in Boston, MA from April 27 to May 1. This year will celebrate the 25th anniversary of SCM, and as they reflect on over two decades of providing high quality education to healthcare professionals, they will also be placing a special emphasis on the future of nephrology: Fellows and Residents.
Trainees will be offered reduced registration pricing ($150 for fellows and $100 for residents). This will cover access to all sessions in the general program (Pre-conference courses and lunch workshops require additional registration).
To view the program schedule, click here
Activities for Fellows and Residents:
Career Choices in Nephrology – Wednesday, April 27th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm
A special session perfect for trainees in internal medicine and nephrology who are trying to decide what career path to choose in nephrology. In a friendly and fun “speed networking/mentoring” environment, meet a range of experienced individuals currently active in private practice, academic medicine, and industry. Learn why these individuals decided on their career paths, their backgrounds, what they did to secure their jobs, and if (and how) they would do it again if they were starting over. We hope to see you there! This activity will be followed by a complimentary beer/wine reception with hors d’oeuvres.
Professional Development Seminar (PDS) – Thursday, April 28th from 8:00am – 11:30am
Held in conjunction with Women in Nephrology (WIN)
This course is designed to provide a key knowledge base and skills to nephrology trainees, junior faculty nephrologists, and scientists to enhance professional career development. PDS welcomes both men and women. Topics to be discussed include: Am I on the Right Track: Research, Clinic, or Education?; Essentials of Leadership; Preparing for an Interview; Contract and Salary Negotiations: Academia and Private Practice; and Career Challenges: Work-Life Balance and Time Management. The program will conclude with an opportunity to receive 1:1 mentoring.
Trainee Poster Tour – Friday, April 29th from 8:30am – 10:00am
Expert faculty will provide trainees with a tour of specially selected posters that highlight the newest advances in nephrology. Trainees will also learn about the research process as well as opportunities to present at national meetings.
The Advances and Innovations in Nephrology Education – Friday, April 29th from 2:00pm to 3:30pm
This unique session will cover Innovations in Patient Education; Optimizing Internet Use for Nephrology Education; and Novel Educational Tools for Fellows.