Leonardo Riella
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Leonardo Riella

Page Kidney

Patient with a history of kidney transplant s/p biopsy 2 weeks prior now undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukemia develops acute abdominal pain, worsening renal function and hypertension. Renal US followed by CT are shown below: Renal US with…

2623 1

Electrolyte Disorders involving Tubular Channels

Though adult nephrologists infrequently encounter these disorders in clinic, the Board Exam loves them. Below a short table describing some of these gain- and loss-of-function channel disorders that are worth remembering. The diuretic-targeted channels are shown under parenthesis…

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MDRD vs CKD-EPI in Transplantation

With the results of the eAJKD brackets posted by Gearoid, I thought this article might be pertinent to stimulate further the debate… This article just came out on Transplantation and is a well designed study in which the…

1233 1

High Salt-Intake and Autoimmunity

The incidence of auto-immune diseases has dramatically increased in the past 50 years and the concern that environmental exposures have contributed to this increase is broadly suspected. However, it is very hard to pin-point to an individual factor. …

1325 0

Vascular rejection – Reassessing its etiology

Vascular rejection has been traditionally considered a severe form of acute rejection characterized by infiltration of mononuclear cells beneath the endothelium or by the presence of arteritis. Though initially reported as an aggressive form of T-cell mediated rejection…

2063 0

REMS in Renal Disease

In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was granted the authority to require pharmaceutical manufacturers to develop risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS), if deemed necessary. This was made possible by the FDA Amendment Act, which also…

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