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Betel Nut Chewing

Following up on the discussion of milk-alkali syndrome, a similar syndrome (hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, and acute renal failure) may also occur due to betel nut chewing. Betel nut chewing is a common habit and cultural practice amongst Indian…

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History of the Milk-Alkali Syndrome

Heard about a case of milk-alkali syndrome at Renal Grand Rounds yesterday. This is an interesting condition whose pathophysiologic mechanism really tests your knowledge of calcium and acid-base homeostasis. I won’t attempt to chart the pathway but a…

Quality Electrolyte Articles

I was recently alerted to a great lecture series on acid-base & electrolytes by Mitch Halperin and colleagues which are published in the Quartery Journal of Medicine (QJM). They are generally case-based articles which use an imaginary physician…

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Pendred Syndrome

Pendred Syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the solute carrier family 26 member 4 gene (SLC26A4) which has some relevance to nephrology and acid-base metabolism. Its main phenotypic manifestations are thyroid goiter and sensorineural…

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Renal effects of licorice

Licorice–particularly European licorice which contains higher doses of the natural sweetener glycyrrhizic acid (GZA)–needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism. Here’s how it works: The mineralocorticoid receptor, expressed in cortical collecting duct cells, is the…

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