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Hemoglobin Targets in CKD

For anyone who would like to read a thorough review of the current evidence with regard to Hb targets and the use of ESAs in  patients with CKD and those on dialysis, I strongly recommend the review published…

1265 4

Epo: The honeymoon is not over

Having just returned from my own honeymoon, I was taken by this recent hypothesis-piece by Fishbane et al. They have made some observations on the natural history of untreated renal anemia from examining the placebo arm of the…

1310 6


The TREAT trial was one of the bigger stories to emerge from this years ASN. This was a large, multicenter trial of darbepoeitin (Aranesp) vs. placebo in 4000 predialysis CKD patients with type 2 diabetes and anemia. The…

1333 2

ESA Glycosylation

There are numerous formulations of recombinant human erythropoietin, but only a few of which are used in the U.S.  Generally speaking, all of the formulations have the exact same 165 amino acid core sequence which encodes the human…

1546 1


It’s a hot topic amongst dialysis centers around the country: bundling. Here’s my attempt to explain it in a brief manner. If anybody has corrections or comments about this explanation, feel free to make them known. With the…

1929 6
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