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Florian Toegel

Could this be Refeeding Syndrome?

A young patient who was engaging in heavy weightlifting presented to the ED with proximal muscle weakness. The night before he had one hour of acute onset bilateral leg and hip flexor cramps with stiffness and “hardened” muscles…

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Spare the Chloride

Fluid therapy is essential in ICUs and not surprisingly there is still much controversy about which fluid to use, how much and when. Nephrologists often roll their eyes at other subspecialty’s preferences, e.g. surgeon’s preferences for Ringers, citing…

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From acid to nephrocalcinosis to stones

Can you have an acidosis with normal serum bicarbonate? Of course you can, it’s just incomplete. Incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis (idRTA) that is. RTA was first described in 1935, confirmed as a renal tubular disorder in 1946,…

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