Exams Are Coming
This season’s Game of Thrones finished last night and as a nephrology-themed homage, a trainee from Malaysia, Lee Jun, created this poster during downtime while studying for his exams. Enjoy.
This season’s Game of Thrones finished last night and as a nephrology-themed homage, a trainee from Malaysia, Lee Jun, created this poster during downtime while studying for his exams. Enjoy.
Last July, for my Dad’s 65th Birthday, I managed to somehow convince the Indiana branch of the National Kidney Foundation to loan me their “Billy the Kidney” mascot costume. While it was in my possession, I figured why…
It’s the weekend, I need to decompress from the boards. Here’s some random kidney-related clips. The first is pretty bizarre. This next one is pretty basic, but the animation is good.
The French, renowned for their culinary excellence, pride themselves on being able to include every part of the cow in a tasty dish. Regrettably, this includes finding uses for the many internal organs, one of the more challenging…
Okay, I’ll admit, there’s no Nephrology tie-in here. But props to the Mass General Hospital surgical interns for using their undoubtedly sparse spare time to make this ridiculous music video.
So it was my Dad’s 65th birthday this past weekend, and the kids & grandkids all flew in to Indianapolis to help him celebrate. As my father is also a nephrologist, I wanted there to be a kidney…
Often, my ideas for blog postings come from reputable journals such as JASN, CJASN, AJKD, Kidney International, NEJM, etc… But today’s topic derives from my regular reading a website I simply can’t recommend highly enough…Geekologie. From the July…
Couldn’t figure out how to embed the video so I’ve just posted the link of a daredevil who “exploded his kidney” (according to the video at least) during a bike jump. Just think, somewhere out there there’s a…
The NBC show “30 Rock” featured a humorous, kidney-themed season finale last Thursday. If you don’t feel like watching the full 30-minute episode, you can purchase the full music video for the song “We Need A Kidney” at…
This is a little old but still funny if you haven’t seen it already. Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200 Human Kidneys To Hospital