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Marta Hristova

Pregnancy in the Dialysis Patient

While recently reading about hypogonadism in the dialysis population, I came across this review on the pregnancy outcomes in women on dialysis, summarizing observational studies published between 1995 and 2009. I have participated in only a few pregnancy-planning…

The power of T

A talk recently about the HIM study at MGH (Hypogonadism In Men, Clin trial NCT00114114) prompted me to wonder about testosterone from the renal perspective. Testosterone is important for several aspects of male health, including fertility, bone density,…

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Beyond the kidney

Mostly I think about the bladder, in a professional sense, as a possible site for obstruction to be ruled out. Occasionally, when I’m personally reminded about it, I wonder how much urine it can hold. (Pearl from residency:…

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