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plasma exchange

Empiric Management of Suspected RPGN

RPGN is a nephrologic emergency, and one of the more exciting consult cases for nephrologists to participate in.  Much like dealing with a stroke or heart attack, delays in initiating therapy can lead to substantially worsened outcomes.  Prompt…

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Plasma Exchange Nuts & Bolts

There are many indications for plasma exchange in nephrology:  some common ones include antibody-mediated rejection of a kidney transplant, Goodpasture’s, ANCA-associated vasculitis, and TTP–all of which are commonly associated with loss of renal fellows’ sleep–that is, you may…

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Plasma Exchange for Myeloma?

A question which comes up not infrequently during nephrology fellowship is whether or not to perform pheresis on patients with multiple myeloma. Once very much in vogue, the results of a fairly recent (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2005)…

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