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transplant nephrology

The use of IVIg in Kidney Disease

It’s time for a quick nephro-centric summary of immune globulin use. Immune globulin, usually administered intravenously (IVIg), is made from pooled human plasma and used for a wide variety of human disease. It contains mostly IgG with various…

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Live Kidney Donation: What’s the risk?

As ESRD prevalence continues to increase, the kidney transplant list continues to grow meaning longer waiting times for deceased donor transplantation. Living donation (LD) provides the best outcomes for patients with ESRD and is considered safe for the…

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Hepatitis B and kidney transplantation

Prior HBV infection is not a contraindication to kidney transplantation.  It is critical to evaluate patients with serologies and HBV DNA viral load prior to transplant. Most patients should also undergo liver transplant biopsy to exclude significant fibrosis/cirrhosis. Patients with…

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Does JC Virus Nephropathy Exist?

The JC virus is a member of the Polyomavirus family, which includes the BK virus.  It infects about 80% of healthy adults and establishes latency in renal tissue. It was first isolated in 1971 from the brain of…

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