Her chemistries are listed below:
Na-143 K-3.6 Cl-110 HCO3-28 BUN-8 Creat-0.5 Uric Acid-3
Urinalysis negative for blood and protein
Urine electrolytes:
Urine sodium 20 meq/L, Urine potassium 75meq/L
Renin and Aldosterone level were both suppressed
Due to worsening blood pressure, a Caesarian section was performed, and the patient delivered a healthy baby girl. Her blood pressure control stabilized shortly after delivery.
The answer and explanation will be posted on Monday July 7th
Michael Lattanzio DO
*RFN board questions are meant to help introduce concepts about nephrology related diseases and do not represent actual questions seen on the ABIM exam.
Amar- urinalysis showed no proteinuria
very interesting…. you left out info on the proteinuria so you dont want to make it too easy… lol