Voting is over for the 2010 Medical Weblog Awards

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GeriPal took the win by a hair.  Thanks for all of the support.  Follow the link to see the final results in the 2010 Clinical Sciences Category of the Seventh Annual Medical Weblog Awards from MedGadget!  RFN was also a finalist in this same category last year. 


  1. Thanks Alex and Eric- It was great to see so much support for medical blogs. Impressive showing from the geriatrics palliative care folks. Your blog is quite impressive.

  2. Great competition! Your blog is terrific. I'll vote for you guys next year. We had the second and third most votes overall – either of us would have won the overall competition this year!

  3. Thanks Eric, it's been cIose, but I think you have the edge on us this year! Your blog is fantastic (obviously I had to check out the competition too ;-)) Good luck

  4. I wish you guys the best. Your site rocks and I'd be happy to lose to you – although we ain't going down without a fight 🙂

  5. ditto

  6. my vote is already there. You guys are doing a great job.
    good luck

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