Under Pressure

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As a medical student I was taught the CKD hypertension gospel straight from the good book of JNC VII: Thou shalt lower the blood pressure to less than 130/80! This was many years after David Bowe and Freddie Mercury but I got the song stuck in my head when I started thinking about the post so I had to put it up there.

I lived happily with this for many years until one day someone questioned me. Why should you lower the blood pressure to less than 130/80 in someone with chronic kidney disease? Well ’cause the JNC VII says so! Check it out…

Right there in red, blue and black. And supported by two references no less! One of them is the American Diabetic Association going on about diabetes (another story) but reference 21 is KDOQI on CKD… So the rabbit hole gets deeper.

Over at KDOQI we get the following…

They say “controlled trials in essential hypertension conclusively show a beneficial effect of lowering blood pressure to

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