Honey for the Achilles Heel

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the PD literature, peritonitis has been referred to as an Achilles’ heel
because it could lead to catheter removal and PD treatment failure. Topical
antibiotics have been used for prevention of an exit site infection (ESI) which
may precede and lead to peritonitis.
this purpose, most centers use mupirocin as their first choice. It has reduced
the ESI significantly, but mupirocin-resistant S. aureus and P. aeruginosa
ESI have emerged. Then came gentamicin which is superior to mupirocin. However, gentamicin-resistant P.
has already been reported… How can we break this
was the bright idea! Not any food but a very specific sweet treat – honey. Honey
has been applied to wounds since ancient times, but only recently have we come
to understand its antibacterial properties: acidity (pH 3-4), high osmolarity
(3000 mOsm/kg), H2O2, methyl glyoxal, bee defensin-1,
etc. In vitro, honey killed bacteria including MRSA, β-lactamase producing E. Coli, ciprofloxacin-resistant P. aeruginosa and VRE! Because of its multiple antibacterial mechanisms, there is a low
likelihood that bacteria will gain resistance.
But does it work in
vivo? It has been shown that honey heals wounds and maintains sterility.
Then, an Australian and New Zealand group tested standardized antibacterial
honey (Medihoney) for HD catheter-associated infections and
its effectiveness was comparable to mupirocin.
Now the same group is
conducting the HONEYPOT study to see its efficacy in reducing the risk of PD
infection. This is one of the initiatives to improve the PD technique survival in the region which is
lower than in other parts of the world.
The results of the
HONEYPOT study are pending, but it would be exciting if honey is proven to be
an effective alternative prophylaxis with less chance of bacterial resistance.
Penicillin was discovered from fungi. Gentamicin is synthesized by bacteria.
Maybe it’s time to ask for honey bees for help.

Posted by Tomoki Tsukahara

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