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Tomoki Tsukahara

Does she drink tea?

I was quickly moving along through my busy university clinic, seeing another CKD patient when the nurse came to inform me that the patient’s hemoglobin was critically low at 5 g/dl, while the patient appeared to be just…

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Mg & K

It is well known that hypokalemia does not correct easily if it is accompanied by hypomagnesemia. A medical student I met looked into this topic and found a “Science in Renal Medicine” article. According to this article, one of…

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Honey for the Achilles Heel

In the PD literature, peritonitis has been referred to as an Achilles’ heel because it could lead to catheter removal and PD treatment failure. Topical antibiotics have been used for prevention of an exit site infection (ESI) which…

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Less is More

Despite the fact that the kidney ultrasound is generally obtained as one of multiple recommendations when evaluating AKI, the benefit of kidney ultrasound is not clear. The post-renal causes of AKI are not very common. It adds to…

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A Quest for a Pot of Gold

In the quest for better solute clearance, two divergent paths were taken on each side of the Atlantic. The US nephrology community has concentrated more on low weight molecules. The European counterpart has focused on both low and…

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Urea and Hyponatremia

Urea is a hyponatremia treatment long forgotten in the United States. Chronic SIADH is usually managed either by vaptans or a combination of fluid restriction, salt and furosemide. However, vaptans are very expensive and few patients can afford…

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