Nephrology Twitter Journal Club (#NephJC): CKD Screening & Education

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inaugural Nephrology Twitter Journal Club kicks off tomorrow evening, that’s
Tuesday April 29th, at 9pm Eastern time. The article being discussed
concerns the implementation of a kidney disease screening and education program
and its impact on ESRD preparation and survival. Participation in the program
was associated with higher rates of
pre-ESRD nephrology care and higher rates of non-hemodialysis renal replacement
therapy including peritoneal dialysis and pre-emptive kidney transplantation.
The enrolled patients had a lower overall mortality, although this was not
statistically significant after adjusting for ESRD preparation.
The articles for Nephrology Twitter Journal
Club will be chosen by you, the users. Please post links to
potential articles using the #NephJC
hashtag. The next journal club is tentatively penciled in for 2 weeks time. The Twitter journal club is the
latest in a number of online educational projects in our specialty and comes at
a time of rapid growth in the online Nephrology community. The live
chat will be an hour long discussion on Twitter,
involving the authors where possible, but comments will be welcome after the
event and will be collated. Please visit the excellent Nephrology Journal Club
homepage for more information and remember to use the hashtag #NephJC when commenting. 

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