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nephrology education

A few months ago, we posted about an acid-base primer that was being offered free for fellows in the US. During the 5-day period from Wednesday, August 23 – Sunday, August 27, you can get a free copy…

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Write for ASN!

ASN is looking for fellows interested in writing for the Kidney News “Fellow’s Corner” column. It’s part of the monthly in-print ASN newsmagazine that goes to all ASN members. More importantly, it’s a great opportunity to express your…

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Hemodialysis Simulator

I ran into a colleague from Children’s Hospital over the weekend and she pointed me in the direction of this great education website that they have created for the education of students, residents and fellows. In particular, they…

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Hemodialysis University

The International Society for Hemodialysis’ Hemodialysis University is a two-day course that will be taking place in Chicago Sept 9-10th this year. The course covers many issues current in dialysis and of particular interest are talks on HIF stabilizers for anemia…

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