Jordan Weinstein (UKidney) has done it again. UKidney has assembled a great collection of high impact articles. What I love about UKidney is the organization and the style. If you are interested in learning more about a particular topic all you need to do is click on the appropriate category you are interested in and multiple articles in that particular area will be displayed. See below.
Suggest an Article
What if you want to suggest an article to be included? No problem at all. Just suggest one as below by clicking the green suggest an article tab. If you have recently made a visual abstract and want to add this. No problem just submit this as well.
Visual Abstracts
The UKidney High Impact Article Library is jam packed with info. You can click on the PubMed link, Journal Link, download the article, or even make a comment about the article. What makes this unique is that the NSMC along with UKidney are adding visual abstracts to the mix as well. Click here for all of them. See below.
What I love most about the library is that we as a community can continue to cultivate the library. Adding visual abstracts, commenting, suggesting more articles, or adding more categories. I see this as a one stop show for examining the literature. Kudos to UKidney and Jordan Weinstein for making a superb learning tool.