Finding a journal to publish a case report can be challenging. Information on word count, figures, and publication costs are located on publisher websites. It can be time consuming to locate all of this information. In order to simplify the process the following table highlights nephrology, transplant, and hypertension journals that currently accept case reports. All of the journals listed are Medline indexed or soon-to-be indexed. Article processing fees are noted and represent the lowest possible fee for publishing a case report according to their respective website. If you want to include a color figure in your article, there are often additional fees that apply. Many journals also include the offer of making your article open access. If you choose to do so, an additional fee of several thousand dollars typically applies.
Please comment or contact us on Twitter if you have journals to add or issues with our list. Journal list updated 6/13/2020.
Gerren Hobby, MD
NSMC 2020 Intern
Abhilash Koratala, MD
NSMC Faculty
Thanks, very useful. What really baffles me is why on earth anyone needs to pay to publish his/her hard work?