The POCUS Journal Kidney Care Edition: Call for Submission of Case Reports

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Renal Fellow Network teams up with the POCUS Journal to bring you: POCUS Case Reports—Kidney Care Edition.

Trainees are encouraged to submit interesting or novel cases highlighting the use of clinician-performed ultrasound in any aspect of the care of kidney patients. Routine teaching cases are also welcome. Images need not be limited to the urinary system. Particular emphasis will be given to ultrasonographic assessment of volume status.

Cases may be submitted either as short case files 250-1000 words or longer case reports of 1000-2500 words. Each case must include an original ultrasound image and/or video. Additional images and videos may be submitted and are not limited in number. Selected cases will be published in the POCUS Journal and hosted on the Renal Fellow Network. Please review author guidelines for additional details and submit at this link.

Suggested topics

Volume status assessmentHypertension
Critical care nephrologyShock
Cardiorenal syndromeAbdominal venous congestion
Cystic kidney diseasesHepatorenal syndrome
Urethral and ureteral obstructionLung ultrasonography
COVID & the kidneyCongenital abnormalities of the kidney & urinary tract

Deadline: 11/14/2020

Nathaniel Reisenger & Abhilash Koratala
Guest Editors, POCUS journal- Kidney Care Edition

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