16th Annual 2021 Mid-Atlantic Nephrology Young Investigator’s Forum

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The 16th Annual 2021 Mid-Atlantic Nephrology Young Investigator’s Forum will be held on March 24-25 in 2021 virtually.

Call for abstracts is now open.

The Young Investigator’s Forum serves to stimulate research for fellows in training in Nephrology and is a venue where fellows from the Mid-Atlantic region can present their research to a panel of distinguished judges.

Fellows are judged in two categories: basic and clinical research and awards are given.

Twenty abstracts are selected for presentation and judging

Each nominated fellow will submit an abstract between March 8-14, 2021.  The abstracts submitted should represent original research performed by the trainee in any area of basic or clinical Nephrology. Case reports are not acceptable.  Each submitted abstract will be judged by a committee and selected abstracts will be presented by the trainee in a 10-minute pre-recorded oral presentation with help from the MedStar CME office. Presentations will be judged by a panel of faculty judges to select award winners in both basic and clinical research categories.

There will be 2 keynote speakers and Q and A sessions with faculty judges.  There will also be a career development session led by Robert Star of the National Institutes of Health.

We hope that this will stimulate trainees in Nephrology to pursue academic careers and research. Thank you for your assistance in identifying trainees that would benefit from participation in this program.           

 Please feel free to contact us with any questions. This program is supported in entirety by educational grant from AstraZeneca.

The deadline for abstract submission is March 14th 2021.  Please submit all abstracts and curriculum vitae electronically as a Microsoft Word attachment to: Michael.Choi@gunet.georgetown.edu and JS7RK@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu

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