Links from Other Nephrology Blogs

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A few links for today, borrowing heavily from other Nephrology Blogs:

There is an interesting interchange on Kidney Notes responding to some highly negative comments made about the field of Nephrology by a practicing nephrologist “Nephrogirl.”

The Precious Bodily Fluids Blog (with lots of great handouts/power point presentations of nephrology topics posted online if you haven’t seen them already) has done a thorough job of covering the Chinese melamine milk contamination story, here and here. Did you know that the business owners of the offending milk-producing companies in China were sentenced to DEATH? Can you imagine that happening to CEO’s in the U.S.?

The Nephrology Blog (also lots of interesting and useful posts in the past few months) points out the recent passing of Dr. Willem Kolff, credited with being the inventor of the dialysis machine. Did you know that the first person to survive using the artificial kidney machine was allegedly a Nazi collaborator? Interesting stuff.


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