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acute kidney injury

The Lone Star Tick

Recently a 65-year-old female was referred to an ED in the state of Missouri complaining of fevers, chills, headache, diarrhea and vomiting occurring over the last week. 3 weeks prior she had received an orthotopic liver transplant. Her…

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Kidney Biopsy Case: AKI

A 54 year old man was referred to the Nephrology service due to AKI after presenting with lethargy and severe thirst. He had a long history of pulmonary and hepatic sarcoidosis which had been quiescent for some time….

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Page Kidney

Patient with a history of kidney transplant s/p biopsy 2 weeks prior now undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukemia develops acute abdominal pain, worsening renal function and hypertension. Renal US followed by CT are shown below: Renal US with…

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Spare the Chloride

Fluid therapy is essential in ICUs and not surprisingly there is still much controversy about which fluid to use, how much and when. Nephrologists often roll their eyes at other subspecialty’s preferences, e.g. surgeon’s preferences for Ringers, citing…

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Less is More

Despite the fact that the kidney ultrasound is generally obtained as one of multiple recommendations when evaluating AKI, the benefit of kidney ultrasound is not clear. The post-renal causes of AKI are not very common. It adds to…

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