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contrast-induced nephropathy

MAKE this a better outcome

The PRESERVE Trial, which was recently published in the NEJM was a large study of a variety of preventive measures for contrast-induced nephropathy. It used a 2×2 factorial design to test the efficacy of NaHCO3 vs. normal saline…

1569 0

ACT: Now more than thespians

As a kid growing up in the San Francisco ACT brought to mind guys in tights running around and projecting their voices at the American Conservatory Theater. Now I’ve got to adjust my association with the acronym with…

1191 8

Osmotic Nephrosis

“Osmotic nephrosis” is a term which describes a common form of renal tubular injury in response to hyperosmolar substances. It is especially relevant to iv contrast nephropathy, and was first observed in animals and human patients infused with…

3636 1

Outside Hospital

At the risk of offending community hospitals out there…I present to you “Outside Hospital”, a video I helped make during my residency in Internal Medicine parodying some of the outside hospitals from which we used to receive patient…

982 2
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