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Graham Abra

The Brinicle

The normal saline we use in the hospital contains 9 grams of sodium chloride per liter of water. If you look on the bag you will see 0.9% which is the mass concentration expressed as g/dl (0.9 grams…

1279 1

Heavy Chain Deposition Disease

As an intern, and I’m sure many can relate to this story, I remember trailing after the team, disheveled and exhausted as we rounded endlessly postcall one day. Our hospital had the county jail contract and as we…

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Enter the Chimera

I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the care team for several patients who have participated in Stanford’s Immune Tolerance program here in Palo Alto. The idea behind the program is pretty cool: create chimerism (the…

1099 2

ACT: Now more than thespians

As a kid growing up in the San Francisco ACT brought to mind guys in tights running around and projecting their voices at the American Conservatory Theater. Now I’ve got to adjust my association with the acronym with…

1161 8

FSGS: The Basics

Gearoid did a nice job reviewing the recent exciting findings surrounding primary Focal Segment Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and I thought it would be a good opportunity to review some of the sometimes confusing terminology and clinical basics. To start,…

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The Renopoietic System

Early in 2009 Nate posted on work suggesting that renal tubular epithelial cells had the ability to repopulate the renal tubular epithelium after ischemia reperfusion injury. Since then, some amazing work has been done on what have been…

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