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Graham Abra

Pearls for Boards

1) Isopropyl alcohol does NOT cause an elevated anion gap acidosis, retinal toxicity (as does methanol), or renal failure (as does ethylene glycol). 2) Fibril diameter of the more common fibrillary diseases – Amyloid, Fibrillary GN, and Immunotactoid GP – is correlated…

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Hawaii and Population Management

How familiar are the following scenarios to you? You’re in clinic and have just seen a 69 year old man with a longstanding history of hypertension.  He has been referred by his internist to nephrology for an eGFR…

1539 0

Venus, Sjogren’s and the Kidney

The Williams sisters put yet another Wimbledon doubles tittle into their trophy case over the weekend.  This, just hours after Serena had won the singles competition.  Pretty impressive. In reading the coverage I learned that during the last…

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PD or HD post cardiac surgery?

A few months back I was covering the inpatient consult service when one of our patients on peritoneal dialysis came in for an elective combined aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting. She had recently switched over…

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Under Pressure

As a medical student I was taught the CKD hypertension gospel straight from the good book of JNC VII: Thou shalt lower the blood pressure to less than 130/80! This was many years after David Bowe and Freddie…

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A picture is worth…

Often on rounds with medical students or housestaff we will review why a serum creatinine of 0.8 mg/dl in a 40 year old athlete… may mean a much higher creatinine clearance than a creatinine of 0.8 mg/dl in…

1260 3

In a Few Words

“A doctor, like a writer, must have a voice of his own, something that conveys the timbre, the rhythm, the diction, and the music of his humanity, that compensates us for all the speechless machines.” -Anatole BroyardIntoxicated by…

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