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renal cell carcinoma

Renal Malignancy Syndromes

I had a patient come to see me last week with the rare disorder, Birt Hogg Dube Syndrome (BHD). She was referred with a mildly elevated serum creatinine and microalbuminuria against a background of a single kidney following…

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Genetics of Wilms Tumor

Wilms Tumor–named after the German surgeon/pathologist Max Wilms (pictured at left)–is an embryonal tumor that derives from developing kidney tissue. Wilms was the first to postulate that tumors may arise from precursor cells which arise during development, and…

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Bilateral Renal Cell Carcinomas

The case: a 50-ish yo woman, normal baseline renal function, and a history of nephrolithiasis x 2 episodes presented with gross, painless hematuria. She was initially thought to have another stone event, but she had no significant flank…

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