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transplant infectious diseases

Cold and OTCs in Transplantation

Winter season arriving and you might see a couple of transplant patients with colds… Immunosuppressants have the potential to interact with OTC meds used to treat common colds and coughs, which can lead to alterations in the degree…

Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease

Although the term Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease (PTLD) encompasses all lymphoproliferative disorders post transplant, it generally refers to extra-nodal B-cell lymphomas due to Ebstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. PTLD is a B-cell disease caused by iatrogenic T-cell dysfunction: in people…

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Pathology of BK Nephropathy

BK Nephropathy refers to damage suffered to a renal allograft as a result of the polyomavirus BK virus.   It is named based on the fact that it was originally isolated in the urine of a kidney transplant…

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