Browsing tag

water metabolism

Just Add Water?

There is a popular belief that drinking lots of water is good for one’s health. One classic recommendation from doctors to patients–nobody knows where it comes from–is to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of liquid beverages daily….

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Proof That Kidneys Are Important

As a 2nd year nephrology fellow I am now doing some work in a lab which studies zebrafish kidney development. Here is an example of a control (wild-type) zebrafish at 54 hours post-fertilization. If you use a morpholino…

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What the killifish can teach nephrologists

Killifish are small, brightly-colored tropical fish which number well over a thousand different species. What makes them of interest to renal physiologists is their ability to adapt to both freshwater AND saltwater. It’s not a trivial accomplishment: when…

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