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A bit of housekeeping here – I noticed that all of our current course announcements were out of date. These have now been updated with the most recent versions of each course including the following courses coming up shortly:

ASN Board Review Course – August 2-8 2014
HD University – August 15-16 2014
Brigham Renal Board Review Course – August 4-8 2014
Medstar Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Course – October 11, 2014
Ultrasonography for Nephrologists – October 25-26 2014 (which I recently attended and thought was excellent)

All of these courses have substantially reduced fees for trainees.

Here is the list of courses

Edit: Just to mention that the director of the ISHD meeting, John Daugirdas, contacted me and let me know that the new edition of the Handbook of Dialysis will be out later this year. If you were thinking of buying it (and I did in the past), you might want to wait until then.

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